The Covid-19 pandemic which was found in 2019 affected lots of countries in which India was also one of them. The severe hit by pandemic induced lockdown which challenged the country on every front be it to be economy, health care, politics, planning, or social values at large. Several sectors have felt the shockwaves of the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in India. In terms of economic input and employment creation, the Indian textile industry is the second largest industry after agriculture. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has seriously affected the growth of the textile and garment industry. Many textile units have stopped their production. Because of this tremendous challenges were faced by both large corporate and private manufacturing sectors. Asian manufacturers are the ones who were most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.
India is becoming and growing Digital in every field. And SONI ENTERPRISES being in the Garment industry have also adapting this digital nation and try to reach our customers in every way possible. Let us take a look at how we benefited our customers in this global pandemic.
As SONI ENTERPRISES, we are the one private garment manufacturer that survived with minimal damage in the hardest time of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the first wave of the pandemic in India which was spreading rapidly 90% of textile and garment Industries were closed for the first few months. However, at the end of October, the first wave was about to end so we needed to come back with a powerful impact on the market.
Thanks to our team’s dedication and our powerful strategy, we didn’t lose hope even in lockdown. We tried our best to stay connected with our customers with the help of social media and regular updates. For us, our customers’ health and safety come first. Keeping this in our mind we came up with several schemes which can benefit both customers as well as us. For safety awareness we thought to provide free masks to our customers in the same quantity they order pieces. All the delivery products were manufactured under proper hygiene and sanitization. Less than 50% of staff were working onboard and others were working from home. Moreover, our company’s strong financial structure enabled us to navigate even through challenging situations. Almost more than 3 Lakh pieces have been delivered all over India even in the lockdown.
“Know That You Are Never Given A Problem That You Cannot Handle. When You Invoke This Energy, This Challenge In You, Fear Vanishes.”
-Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Due to this pandemic lockdown, there were great chances of our customers losing trust for supply and money and it was our duty to not let that happen. So we started the Cash On Delivery (COD) scheme where customers are allowed to pay money once they are assured about the delivery of their product. At each step, we follow Innovation and technological developments. We make sure to provide the best service and take every necessary protection to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. To make sure the quality of fabrics to our customers we provided services like video calls. We have also made a 6 feet zone area in our shops where customers can see the samples with all safety precautions. Creating digital samples has become a new trend in the market. Thanks to virtual sampling as well as a digital collection which has always been beneficial, not just during a global pandemic. With 2D & 3D virtual sampling enables the customers to see samples in 2D and 3D format on the screen and also see and change countless numbers of designs, colors, sizes regardless of customers location.
We knew that this is our time to focus on the issues of our customers and solve them in the best possible way. To keep our customers engaged we started posting informational videos not only about Safety precautions, upcoming schemes and offers, Varieties of products but also we focused to encourage people to start up their new business even in lockdown. We posted detailed videos about how one can grow and expand their business with some tricks and strategies. We also explained to our customers how to create a free website step by step.
As a wholesale clothing manufacturer, our service includes variants of designs, best quality, and productions, affordable prices, easy transportation, sampling & logistics. We aim to be Asia’s largest clothing manufacturing company. Also, we take pride in our control to fight against this global pandemic and become one of the thriving manufacturing companies across the nation.
You can always reach us for more detailed information regarding our services and products. Don’t forget to take a look at our website and also keep updated on our further blogs and developments.
Photo : Lino Jacob & Gabriel via Unsplash