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Raging Bull

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  • These shared experiences help to make a significant reference to his visitors and bring them to a location where they’re ready to be informed and instructed.
  • Raging Bull is a hard hitting demonstration that pulls no punches and leaves an lasting impact on the parents and teenagers who attend.
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Because there s a huge need for programs and services for boys that really grabs their attention and addresses a few of the more difficult issues they face. As the medium we use is far more suited to boys generally, the visual and hands components of our seminars hook up the dots within their minds. Im a youth professional with 26+ years of working with young people and parents in a variety of roles and variety of enviroments. I’m passionate about helping young people make smarter more informed choices and through Motov8 experienced the opportunity to utilize thousands of young people in a huge selection of schools across Australia. All Vicbred progeny permitted win among four $100,000 Llowalong Farms Stallion Bonuses – detail HERE.

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At time of writing, he is in third position presently on the Australian Sires Checklist for the 2022 season predicated on average earnings per starter . Behind him will be the superstars of our breeding field in Bettors Delight, Somebeachsomewhere, Artwork Major and American Ideal. We’re showing you the most recent offers out of this cinema as you browse the site. Enabling drive notifications gets you usage of the latest bonuses and promotions. Deposits are easy and quick when playing at Paradiso Space Casino. You can rely on us to keep your individual and financial information safe when depositing capital into your account.

  • Popular titles found listed below are Aladdin’s Wants and Coyote Cash.
  • I’m passionate about helping teenagers make smarter more informed judgements and through Motov8 have had the opportunity to utilize thousands of young people in a huge selection of schools across Australia.
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John is really a youth specialist with a passionate need to inspire, inform and instruct young people to find, live and fulfill their dreams. To help them expand those ambitions to be about something larger than themselves, so that they can add value to their world. In his presentations he draws upon stories and experiences from his teenage years, being somebody who himself made options that saw his life go completely of track. These shared experiences help make a significant connection with his target audience and bring them to a place where they’re ready to be informed and instructed. The Raging Bull could be tailered to fit well within a double period for a group of 30 to 150 or perhaps a 30min whole university assembly presentation. Schools usually book this seminar to turn out to be delivered three times in the one day so that all year levels get the opportunity to experience it.

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Thanks to you now I’ll be sure you grab life by the bars and go for it. Raging Bull is a hard hitting display that pulls no punches and leaves an lasting impact on the parents and teenagers who attend. This presentation could be tailored to work with Grade 5/6 or Year 7/12 boys and may be run in large, medium or small group adjustments. I speak to a huge selection of parents each year who are literaly pulling their locks out over incidents in the home or at the same time out socially and the phone calls from the institution regarding their sons anger. I find that parents are confused about how exactly to address this topic and frequently find yourself traumatised by the daily occurrences and spot fires that they have to put out.

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  • Behind him are the superstars of our breeding marketplace in Bettors Delight, Somebeachsomewhere, Art work Major and American Ideal.
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